
Our university has been given access to data collected from the new Ilokkaanpuisto residential area in Tampere. Ilokkaanpuisto has four housing cooperatives: Auringonkukka (40 apartments), Auringonpaiste (40 apartments), Auringonsäde (62 apartments) and Ilokkaanrinne 5-6 (48 apartments). In Ilokkaanpuisto the housing cooperatives together own a solar power plant located else where which produces energy for their use. The available data includes measurements from the solar power plant and multiple apartment buildings. Data from the buildings covers electrical measurements of property electricity, ventilation, outdoor lighting, car heating and charging and ground-source heat pumps. Electrical diagrams of the buildings are available when requested.

The data from the apartment buildings is collected by an external party and stored in their system. This system offers a RESTful HTTP API for accessing the data. The documentation of the API is available publicly. The document has also a built-in tool for using the API. Our university has been given an API key which enables us to access the data. If you are interested in the data, you can contact the person marked as maintainer for the datasets in this group.

All the data related to the apartment buildings described by datasets in this group are available via the above mentioned API and are accessed in the same way. The data has just been split into datasets to make it easier to find data about a specific topic. Below are explained some key concepts with usage examples about the data and API to make it easier to get started using the data.

The apartment buildings are modelled as metering sites. Metering sites have measurement devices which then contain the actual measurements. The identifiers of a measurement and associated measurement device and metering site are documented in the datasets. These identifiers are used to get information about the sites, devices and measurements.

Information about a metering site can be fetched using its identifier with:

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -H 'X-API-Key: the_api_key'

You can get the list of all measurement devices with:

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -H 'X-API-Key: the_api_key'

You can also get the measurement devices for a specific metering site by using its identifier with:

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -H 'X-API-Key: the_api_key'

You can get information about a specific measurement device by using its identifier and the identifier of the associated metering site with:

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -H 'X-API-Key: the_api_key'

You can get information about a measurement by using its identifier, and the identifiers of the associated measurement device and metering site with:

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -H 'X-API-Key: the_api_key'

You can get actual values for a measurement as a time series by using its identifier and providing a time range with:

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -H 'X-API-Key: the_api_key'