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Tampere University energy research data catalog demo

This page demos how the open source CKAN data portal platform could be used to implement a catalog of energy research related data for Tampere University.

If you are not sure what you are looking for, we suggest you take look at the organizations or groups pages. Organizations represent various parties in Tampere University such as research groups and projects who have some energy research related data to share. Groups collect together data related to the same topic.

Available data is represented as datasets. Datasets contain resources that may have the data itself or more information about the data such as list of available measurements. Datasets can be categorised with tags or keywords which are a good way to find more similar kind of data. If the dataset self itself does not contain the data and you are interested in using the data in your research, it means the data is not public and you should contact the person marked as the maintainer of that data set. To learn more about how data is documented in the catalog check the data documentation guidelines.

Note: Not all data sets in the system have been fully documented yet.

Tampere University energy research data catalog demo statistics