Measurements from the Siemens Desigo building automation system of Kampusareena including data related to indoor conditions, ventilation, heating and cooling. For most spaces in Kampusareena available data includes temperature, air quality and occupancy.
This data has been collected so that a new value for a measurement is obtained only when the value changes. Thus the time interval between values varies greatly. It can be anything from less than a second to one day.
NOTE: In the available measurements lists some measurements are marked confidential. They are related to spaces used by private tenants of Kampusareena. This data is categorized as sensitive and extra care has to be taken when using this data. Tenants cannot be identifiable from anything produced from the data. See the Kampusareena group for more info about under which conditions this sensitive data can be used.
Schematics and diagrams can be requested from SYK
The measurements are organized in a hierarchy that consists of 4 components. These are listed for each measurement in the available measurements lists and are the following:
System: The wider system or subject the measurement is related to. For example
water or HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning).
Subsystem: Indicates the part of the wider system. For example KL01 (district
heating) or iv01 (Air conditioning heating/cooling network). Names are often
directly from the building automation system and their meaning is hard or
impossible to understand. A list of possible values can be found from below.
Location: Indicates the physical location or target of the measurement. Can be
a room number or name of a part of a system.
Type: Indicates what is measured for example temperature or pressure.
System can be one of the following:
Here are listed some of the common subsystems with their descriptions:
TK01-13: Air supply unit
PKxx: Air removal unit
KK16-17: Air circulating unit
WJ01-02: Chiller for PV01, IV01, SA01 & PK01
HI01-02: Lifts
IV01: Air conditioning heating/cooling network
KL01: District heating
LV01-02: Hot water network (LV01, LV02)
PV01: Radiator heating/cooling network, wall radiators
PK01: Convector heating/cooling network
BAS: Building automation system
KV01: Cold-water network
VAKxx: Building automation system CPU
PVPlant: Solar power system
Below are listed some common locations or location types.
Locations for the subsystems TK01-TK13:
Locations related to subsystems TK10-TK11 (Swegon Wise, room specific air flow control, 3rd - 8th floors)
Zone 1-6 (Zone 1 = 8th floor, zone 2 = 7th floor,…, zone 6 = 3rd floor)
DCxy (x = zone, y = branch )
Locations related to subsystem Chillers (WJ01-WJ02):
- Compressors
- Condenser
- Evaporator
- SAPA01: Radiator heating/cooling network, wall radiators & ceiling panels
- PK01: Convector heating/cooling network
- IV01: Air conditioning heating/cooling network
- TC: Chiller temperature controller (WJ01-02)
Here is a list of some common measurement types and the locations or subsystems
they usually are associated with.
- SP: setpoint, controller target value
- AirFlow
- AirFlowCoolingSP
- Alarm
- Angle
- Booster
- BypassDamper (Heat recovery)
- CO2
- ControlState (Heat recovery)
- CoolingDemand (VAKs to WJ01-02)
- CoolingSP
- CoolingState (Heat recovery)
- CoolingValve
- Damper
- DuctPressure
- DuctPressureSP
- Efficiency (Heat recovery)
- ExhaustTemperature
- ExtractAirDamper (Fans)
- FlowSP
- FrequencySP
- FreshAirDamper (Fans)
- HeatingSP
- HeatingValve
- Humidity
- Illuminance
- Power
- Presence
- Pressure
- PressureDifference
- RoomTempAverage
- RoomTemperature
- RoomTempSP
- RunState (Heat recovery)
- SFP: Specific fan power
- SpeedControl
- Temperature
- TemperatureSP
- WaterFlow
- VOC: Volatile organic compounds
Measurement names are based on their names in the building automation system.
For example a wall mounted temperature sensor can be found from the measurement
list based on the text on it for example TCA514'TE20. This example sensor is the
temperature sensor TE20 for the temperature controller TC of room A514. If there
would be a second similar sensor for the same location it would be called
TCA514'TE21. Third would be TE22 and so forth. Second example TK08'TF01'Pwr
would be power for air suply fan 01 of air suply unit 08. Third example:
KJA528'KF01'TV60 is the cooling valve tv60 for air fan 01 of convector A528
Below are listed the most common acronym number combinations used in the names:
- IMSxxxx: Air flow control
- TCxxxx: Temperature controller
- KJxxxx: Convector
- FC: Flow controller; FC1x for supply air, FC3x for exhaust air
- PFxx: Exhaust air fan
- TFxx: Supply air fan
- KFxx: Convector air fan
- TV4x: Heating valve; %
- TV6x: Cooling valve; %
- TE2x: Room temperature; C
- TE3x, TEh: Duct exhaust air temperature; C
- QE3x: Air quality, CO2; ppm
- Aqual: Air quality, volatile organic compounds; % (See this for CO2-equivalent
- AO: Controller output (e.g. damper position); %
- AI: Controlled variable (e.g. measured airflow); l/s
- TRave: Average room temperature; C
- Pwr: Power; kW
- SolRdn.SolAzmth: Solar azimuth angle; deg
- SolRdn.SolEtHor: Solar elevation angle; deg
- KS2x: Ventilation extra time switch/booster; bool
- FGxx: Fresh/extract air dampers (Fans); bool
- HC: Manual airflow setpoint; %
- TR: Room temperature; C
- SpH: Radiator heating temperature setpoint; C
- SpT: Room temperature setpoint; C
- SpCM: Airflow cooling setpoint; C
- SpC: Radiator cooling temperature setpoint; C
- OE2x; Presence sensor; bool
- JJakt: Cool demand; bool
- PE1xx: Duct pressure, Supply duct; pa
- PE3xx: Duct pressure, Exhaust duct; pa
- Flow: Airflow; l/s
See the ProCem project for general information about how the measurements are stored and can be used. See the Kampusareena group for general information about the building.