On February 29, 2024 at 6:36:41 PM +0200,
Updated description of Tampere electric bus pilot from
Measurements collected from few electric buses piloted in Tampere. Includes measurements such as speed, location, power and state of charge. See the [CityIoT]( project for general information about how the measurements are stored and can be used. This data is considered sensitive since it could be used to monitor the drivers and how they perform at their job. Data was collected from 4 electric buses and one hybrid bus operating on the same bus line. The line was line 2 operating between Pyynikintori and Rauhamiemi which took about 20 minutes. Overall 18 different measurements are available. Measurements collected include speed, location as latitude and longitude, battery charge state percent, power, energy consumed, brace air pressure and door status. However not all measurements are available for all buses most notably only speed and location are available from the hybrid bus. The update interval for the measurements varies. Some measurements such as charge state and door status are updated about every 5 seconds while some others such as location and speed are updated about every second. Measurements are available from the beginning of 2019 until the 10th of June 2021. ## Data Model The data model is based on the official FIWARE [Vehicle data model]( with some custom attributes added. First attributes used fromt he official model with original descriptions are listed here with some additional notes. Then attributes added to the model are described. ### Vehicle attributes - `id` : Entity's unique identifier. - Notes: The form used here is Vehicle:name. - `type` : Entity type. It must be equal to `Vehicle`. - `source` : A sequence of characters giving the source of the entity data. - Attribute type: Text or URL - Notes: IoT-Ticket REST API URI for the site representing the bus. - Optional - `name` : Name given to this vehicle. - Normative References: []( - Notes: same as fleetVehicleId - Optional - `vehicleType` : Type of vehicle from the point of view of its structural characteristics. This is different than the vehicle category (see below). - Attribute type: [Text]( - Allowed Values: The following values defined by _VehicleTypeEnum_ and _VehicleTypeEnum2_, DATEX 2 version 2.3: - (`agriculturalVehicle`, `bicycle`, `bus`, `minibus`, `car`, `caravan`, `tram`, `tanker`, `carWithCaravan`, `carWithTrailer`, `lorry`, `moped`, `tanker`, `motorcycle`, `motorcycleWithSideCar`, `motorscooter`, `trailer`, `van`, `caravan`, `constructionOrMaintenanceVehicle`) - (`trolley`, `binTrolley`, `sweepingMachine`, `cleaningTrolley`) - Notes: Here value is always bus - Mandatory - `category` : Vehicle category(ies) from an external point of view. This is different than the vehicle type (car, lorry, etc.) represented by the `vehicleType` property. - Attribute type: List of [Text](https:/ - Allowed values: - (`public`, `private`, `municipalServices`, `specialUsage`). - (`tracked`, `nonTracked`). Tracked vehicles are those vehicles which position is permanently tracked by a remote system. - Or any other needed by an application They incorporate a GPS receiver together with a network connection to periodically update a reported position (location, speed, heading ...). - Notes: Value is always list with public and tracked - Mandatory - `location` : Vehicle's last known location represented by a GeoJSON Point. Such point may contain the vehicle's _altitude_ as the third component of the `coordinates` array. - Attribute type: `geo:json`. - Normative References: []( - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp`: Timestamp which captures when the vehicle was at that location. This value can also appear as a FIWARE TimeInstant - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Mandatory only if `category` contains `tracked`. - Notes: Altitude is not included here. - `speed` : Denotes the magnitude of the horizontal component of the vehicle's current velocity and is specified in Kilometers per Hour. If provided, the value of the speed attribute must be a non-negative real number. `null` _MAY_ be used if `speed` is transiently unknown for some reason. - Attribute type: [Number]( - Default unit: Kilometers per hour - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the vehicle was moving at that speed. This value can also appear as a FIWARE TimeInstant - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Mandatory only if `category` contains `tracked`. - `fleetVehicleId` : The identifier of the vehicle in the context of the fleet of vehicles to which it belongs. - Attribute Type: [Text]( - Notes: These are of the form TKLxxx where xxx is a number e.g. TKL16 - Mandatory if neither `vehiclePlateIdentifier` nor `vehicleIdentificationNumber` is defined. - `mileageFromOdometer` : The total distance travelled by the particular vehicle since its initial production, as read from its odometer. - Normative References: []( - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp`: Timestamp associated to this measurement. This value can also appear as a FIWARE TimeInstant - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - Notes: unit is kilometers - `serviceProvided` : Service(s) the vehicle is capable of providing or it is assigned to. - Attribute type: List of [Text](https:/ - Allowed values: (`garbageCollection`, `parksAndGardens`, `construction`, `streetLighting`, `roadSignalling`, `cargoTransport`, `urbanTransit`, `maintenance`, `streetCleaning`, `wasteContainerCleaning`, `auxiliaryServices` `goodsSelling`, `fairground`, `specialTransport`) or any other value needed by an specific application. - Optional - Notes: value is list containing urbanTransit - `dateModified` : Last update timestamp of this entity. - Attribute type: [DateTime]( - Read-Only. Automatically generated. - `dateCreated` : Creation timestamp of this entity. - Attribute type: [DateTime]( - Read-Only. Automatically generated. The following vehicle attributes are not used: - dataProvider - description - previousLocation - heading - cargoWeight - vehicleIdentificationNumber - vehiclePlateIdentifier - dateVehicleFirstRegistered - dateFirstUsed - purchaseDate - vehicleConfiguration - color - owner - feature - vehicleSpecialUsage - refVehicleModel - areaServed - serviceStatus ### Custom attributes - `airTemperature` : Air temperature outside the bus. - Attribute type: [Number]( - Default unit: Degrees centigrades. - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `power` : Power used from the bus battery. If this is negative the bus is charging either from the grid or from braking. - Attribute type: [Number]( - Default unit: kilowatt - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `chargeState` : State of bus battery charge as percents from the maximum charge. - Attribute type: [Number]( - Default unit: percent - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `powerMoving` : Same as power except measured only when the bus is moving. - Attribute type: [Number]( - Default unit: kilowatt - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `powerStopped` : Same as power except measured only when the bus is stopped. - Attribute type: [Number]( - Default unit: kilowatt - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `gear` : Selected drive mode. - Attribute type: [Text]( - Allowed values: reverse, neutral, drive - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `doorStatus` : State of the bus doors. - Attribute type: [Text]( - Allowed values: - open: at least one door open - closing: Last door closing. - closed: All doors closed. - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `energyConsumed` : Energy consumed since the bus was last started. Possibily since `uptime`´hours. - Attribute type: [Number]( - Default unit: kilowatthour - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `parkingBrakeEngaged` : Is the parking brake in use. - Attribute type: [Boolean]( - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `satellites` : Number of GPS satellites in use by the positioning system. - Attribute type: [Number]( - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `serviceBrakeAirPressure1` : Air pressure of a brake. - Attribute type: [Number]( - Default unit: kilopascals - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `serviceBrakeAirPressure2` : Air pressure of a brake. - Attribute type: [Number]( - Default unit: kilopascals - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `uptime` : Uptime of the measurement device (Wapice WRM 247+). Note only full hours are reported i.e. these are allways integers. - Attribute type: [Number]( - Default unit: hour - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `isMoving` : Is the bus moving. - Attribute type: [Boolean]( - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional ## Examples ### Normalized Example Normalized NGSI response { "id": "Vehicle:TKL16", "type": "Vehicle", "source": { "value": "" }, "category": { "value": ["public", "tracked"] }, "vehicleType": { "value": "bus" }, "name": { "value": "TKL16" }, "fleetVehicleId": { "value": "TKL16" }, "location": { "type": "geo:json", "value": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [23.769203333333333, 61.49531666666667] }, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:18.192881Z" } } }, "speed": { "value": 34.5, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:19.867419Z" } } }, "mileageFromOdometer": { "value": 99829.875, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:18.527938Z" } } }, "serviceProvided": { "value": ["urbanTransit"] }, "airTemperature": { "value": 10.9062, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:18.578853Z" } } }, "power": { "value": 75.70000000000027, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:20.218114Z" } } }, "chargeState": { "value": 87, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:16.938936Z" } } }, "powerMoving": { "value": 75.70000000000027, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:19.817713Z" } } }, "powerStopped": { "value": 223.4000000000001, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:16.318142Z" } } }, "gear": { "value": "drive", "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:15.293451Z" } } }, "doorStatus": { "value": "closed", "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:19.419983Z" } } }, "energyConsumed": { "value": 1.9000000000000001, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:16.417363Z" } } }, "parkingBrakeEngaged": { "value": false, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:18.200178Z" } } }, "serviceBrakeAirPressure1": { "value": 776, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:16.757913Z" } } }, "serviceBrakeAirPressure2": { "value": 776, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:16.757913Z" } } }, "uptime": { "value": 10, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:17.109580Z" } } }, "isMoving": { "value": true, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:19.867419Z" } } } } ## Accessing the data The measurements are stored in the Tampere University CityIoT FIWARe platform: <> The used FIWARE service is public_transport and all bus entities are under the /tampere/electric_bus service path. ### Example requests A few example curl commands for getting the data. Replace your_apikey with a api key that has at least read access to public_transport service. Get all bus entities with their attributes from Orion: curl -H 'Fiware-Service: public_transport' -H 'Fiware-ServicePath: /Tampere/electric_bus' -H 'apikey: your_apikey' "" Get the power and speed of bus with id Vehicle:TKL15 from Orion: curl -H 'Fiware-Service: public_transport' -H 'Fiware-ServicePath: /Tampere/electric_bus' -H 'apikey: your_apikey' ",power" Get all values for power and speed for TKL15 between 14:01 and 14:02 on 28th of October 2019 from quantumleap: curl -H 'Fiware-Service: public_transport' -H 'Fiware-ServicePath: /Tampere/electric_bus' -H 'apikey: your_apikey' ",power&&fromDate=2019-10-28T12:01:00&&toDate=2019-10-28T12:02:00" Note: times above are UTC time.
toMeasurements collected from few electric buses piloted in Tampere. Includes measurements such as speed, location, power and state of charge. See the [CityIoT]( project for general information about how the measurements are stored and can be used. This data is considered sensitive since it could be used to monitor the drivers and how they perform at their job. Data was collected from 4 electric buses and one hybrid bus operating on the same bus line. The line was line 2 operating between Pyynikintori and Rauhamiemi which took about 20 minutes. Overall 18 different measurements are available. Measurements collected include speed, location as latitude and longitude, battery charge state percent, power, energy consumed, brace air pressure and door status. However not all measurements are available for all buses most notably only speed and location are available from the hybrid bus. The update interval for the measurements varies. Some measurements such as charge state and door status are updated about every 5 seconds while some others such as location and speed are updated about every second. Measurements are available from the beginning of 2019 until the 10th of June 2021. Data was originally collected to a Wapice IoT-Ticket platform hosted by Tampere University of Applied Sciences. Later it was then copied to the Tampere CityIoT FIWARE platform. Due to how storage of timeseries data works in FIWARE timestamps from the original data was rounded to second precision from the original data where each measurement mostly always had a unique timestamp. The FIWARE system works more conveniently if multiple measuremnets share the same timestamp. ## Data Model The data model is based on the official FIWARE [Vehicle data model]( with some custom attributes added. First attributes used fromt he official model with original descriptions are listed here with some additional notes. Then attributes added to the model are described. ### Vehicle attributes - `id` : Entity's unique identifier. - Notes: The form used here is Vehicle:name. - `type` : Entity type. It must be equal to `Vehicle`. - `source` : A sequence of characters giving the source of the entity data. - Attribute type: Text or URL - Notes: IoT-Ticket REST API URI for the site representing the bus. - Optional - `name` : Name given to this vehicle. - Normative References: []( - Notes: same as fleetVehicleId - Optional - `vehicleType` : Type of vehicle from the point of view of its structural characteristics. This is different than the vehicle category (see below). - Attribute type: [Text]( - Allowed Values: The following values defined by _VehicleTypeEnum_ and _VehicleTypeEnum2_, DATEX 2 version 2.3: - (`agriculturalVehicle`, `bicycle`, `bus`, `minibus`, `car`, `caravan`, `tram`, `tanker`, `carWithCaravan`, `carWithTrailer`, `lorry`, `moped`, `tanker`, `motorcycle`, `motorcycleWithSideCar`, `motorscooter`, `trailer`, `van`, `caravan`, `constructionOrMaintenanceVehicle`) - (`trolley`, `binTrolley`, `sweepingMachine`, `cleaningTrolley`) - Notes: Here value is always bus - Mandatory - `category` : Vehicle category(ies) from an external point of view. This is different than the vehicle type (car, lorry, etc.) represented by the `vehicleType` property. - Attribute type: List of [Text](https:/ - Allowed values: - (`public`, `private`, `municipalServices`, `specialUsage`). - (`tracked`, `nonTracked`). Tracked vehicles are those vehicles which position is permanently tracked by a remote system. - Or any other needed by an application They incorporate a GPS receiver together with a network connection to periodically update a reported position (location, speed, heading ...). - Notes: Value is always list with public and tracked - Mandatory - `location` : Vehicle's last known location represented by a GeoJSON Point. Such point may contain the vehicle's _altitude_ as the third component of the `coordinates` array. - Attribute type: `geo:json`. - Normative References: []( - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp`: Timestamp which captures when the vehicle was at that location. This value can also appear as a FIWARE TimeInstant - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Mandatory only if `category` contains `tracked`. - Notes: Altitude is not included here. - `speed` : Denotes the magnitude of the horizontal component of the vehicle's current velocity and is specified in Kilometers per Hour. If provided, the value of the speed attribute must be a non-negative real number. `null` _MAY_ be used if `speed` is transiently unknown for some reason. - Attribute type: [Number]( - Default unit: Kilometers per hour - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the vehicle was moving at that speed. This value can also appear as a FIWARE TimeInstant - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Mandatory only if `category` contains `tracked`. - `fleetVehicleId` : The identifier of the vehicle in the context of the fleet of vehicles to which it belongs. - Attribute Type: [Text]( - Notes: These are of the form TKLxxx where xxx is a number e.g. TKL16 - Mandatory if neither `vehiclePlateIdentifier` nor `vehicleIdentificationNumber` is defined. - `mileageFromOdometer` : The total distance travelled by the particular vehicle since its initial production, as read from its odometer. - Normative References: []( - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp`: Timestamp associated to this measurement. This value can also appear as a FIWARE TimeInstant - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - Notes: unit is kilometers - `serviceProvided` : Service(s) the vehicle is capable of providing or it is assigned to. - Attribute type: List of [Text](https:/ - Allowed values: (`garbageCollection`, `parksAndGardens`, `construction`, `streetLighting`, `roadSignalling`, `cargoTransport`, `urbanTransit`, `maintenance`, `streetCleaning`, `wasteContainerCleaning`, `auxiliaryServices` `goodsSelling`, `fairground`, `specialTransport`) or any other value needed by an specific application. - Optional - Notes: value is list containing urbanTransit - `dateModified` : Last update timestamp of this entity. - Attribute type: [DateTime]( - Read-Only. Automatically generated. - `dateCreated` : Creation timestamp of this entity. - Attribute type: [DateTime]( - Read-Only. Automatically generated. The following vehicle attributes are not used: - dataProvider - description - previousLocation - heading - cargoWeight - vehicleIdentificationNumber - vehiclePlateIdentifier - dateVehicleFirstRegistered - dateFirstUsed - purchaseDate - vehicleConfiguration - color - owner - feature - vehicleSpecialUsage - refVehicleModel - areaServed - serviceStatus ### Custom attributes - `airTemperature` : Air temperature outside the bus. - Attribute type: [Number]( - Default unit: Degrees centigrades. - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `power` : Power used from the bus battery. If this is negative the bus is charging either from the grid or from braking. - Attribute type: [Number]( - Default unit: kilowatt - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `chargeState` : State of bus battery charge as percents from the maximum charge. - Attribute type: [Number]( - Default unit: percent - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `powerMoving` : Same as power except measured only when the bus is moving. - Attribute type: [Number]( - Default unit: kilowatt - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `powerStopped` : Same as power except measured only when the bus is stopped. - Attribute type: [Number]( - Default unit: kilowatt - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `gear` : Selected drive mode. - Attribute type: [Text]( - Allowed values: reverse, neutral, drive - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `doorStatus` : State of the bus doors. - Attribute type: [Text]( - Allowed values: - open: at least one door open - closing: Last door closing. - closed: All doors closed. - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `energyConsumed` : Energy consumed since the bus was last started. Possibily since `uptime`´hours. - Attribute type: [Number]( - Default unit: kilowatthour - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `parkingBrakeEngaged` : Is the parking brake in use. - Attribute type: [Boolean]( - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `satellites` : Number of GPS satellites in use by the positioning system. - Attribute type: [Number]( - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `serviceBrakeAirPressure1` : Air pressure of a brake. - Attribute type: [Number]( - Default unit: kilopascals - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `serviceBrakeAirPressure2` : Air pressure of a brake. - Attribute type: [Number]( - Default unit: kilopascals - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `uptime` : Uptime of the measurement device (Wapice WRM 247+). Note only full hours are reported i.e. these are allways integers. - Attribute type: [Number]( - Default unit: hour - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional - `isMoving` : Is the bus moving. - Attribute type: [Boolean]( - Attribute metadata: - `timestamp` : Timestamp which captures when the attribute was measured. - Type: [DateTime]( or `ISO8601` (legacy). - Mandatory - Optional ## Examples ### Normalized Example Normalized NGSI response { "id": "Vehicle:TKL16", "type": "Vehicle", "source": { "value": "" }, "category": { "value": ["public", "tracked"] }, "vehicleType": { "value": "bus" }, "name": { "value": "TKL16" }, "fleetVehicleId": { "value": "TKL16" }, "location": { "type": "geo:json", "value": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [23.769203333333333, 61.49531666666667] }, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:18.192881Z" } } }, "speed": { "value": 34.5, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:19.867419Z" } } }, "mileageFromOdometer": { "value": 99829.875, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:18.527938Z" } } }, "serviceProvided": { "value": ["urbanTransit"] }, "airTemperature": { "value": 10.9062, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:18.578853Z" } } }, "power": { "value": 75.70000000000027, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:20.218114Z" } } }, "chargeState": { "value": 87, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:16.938936Z" } } }, "powerMoving": { "value": 75.70000000000027, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:19.817713Z" } } }, "powerStopped": { "value": 223.4000000000001, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:16.318142Z" } } }, "gear": { "value": "drive", "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:15.293451Z" } } }, "doorStatus": { "value": "closed", "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:19.419983Z" } } }, "energyConsumed": { "value": 1.9000000000000001, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:16.417363Z" } } }, "parkingBrakeEngaged": { "value": false, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:18.200178Z" } } }, "serviceBrakeAirPressure1": { "value": 776, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:16.757913Z" } } }, "serviceBrakeAirPressure2": { "value": 776, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:16.757913Z" } } }, "uptime": { "value": 10, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:17.109580Z" } } }, "isMoving": { "value": true, "metadata": { "timestamp": { "type": "DateTime", "value": "2019-04-03T14:52:19.867419Z" } } } } ## Accessing the data The measurements are stored in the Tampere University CityIoT FIWARe platform: <> The used FIWARE service is public_transport and all bus entities are under the /tampere/electric_bus service path. ### Example requests A few example curl commands for getting the data. Replace your_apikey with a api key that has at least read access to public_transport service. Get all bus entities with their attributes from Orion: curl -H 'Fiware-Service: public_transport' -H 'Fiware-ServicePath: /Tampere/electric_bus' -H 'apikey: your_apikey' "" Get the power and speed of bus with id Vehicle:TKL15 from Orion: curl -H 'Fiware-Service: public_transport' -H 'Fiware-ServicePath: /Tampere/electric_bus' -H 'apikey: your_apikey' ",power" Get all values for power and speed for TKL15 between 14:01 and 14:02 on 28th of October 2019 from quantumleap: curl -H 'Fiware-Service: public_transport' -H 'Fiware-ServicePath: /Tampere/electric_bus' -H 'apikey: your_apikey' ",power&&fromDate=2019-10-28T12:01:00&&toDate=2019-10-28T12:02:00" Note: times above are UTC time.