4 datasets found

Tags: tampere Licenses: For internal research and education use

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  • Tampere street lights

    Data from the street light system of Tampere including electricity consumption, ambient illuminance data and door sensor data. There are 3 different control cabinets and 317...
  • Tampere Viinikka smart street light pilot

    Data collected from a smart streetlight pilot in Tampere. About 400 smart streetlights were piloted in the Viinikka area between 2019 and 2022. Each individual streetlight...
  • Tampere electric bus pilot

    Measurements collected from few electric buses piloted in Tampere. Includes measurements such as speed, location, power and state of charge. See the CityIoT project for general...
  • Tampere bus passenger analytics pilot

    Bus passenger analytics data from a small city of Tampere pilot project. The technology including the original backend system was by the Spanish company Counterest. In the...
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